I’m in love but does she have Main Character Syndrome?

The phenomenon, where someone creates content about themselves and presents it to the world through social media or other platforms, aligns with what is commonly referred to as “main character syndrome.” While it’s not a formal medical diagnosis, it has become a viral topic of discussion online and in social media circles.

Main character syndrome is characterized by a set of behaviors in which an individual perceives themselves as the protagonist in the story of their own life. Here are some key points about it:

  • Self-Importance: People with main character syndrome often see themselves as the most important person in the room. They act according to the narrative they’ve defined for themselves, where they are the central figure.
  • Camera-On Mentality: Imagine having an invisible camera always following you. When you embrace main character energy, you naturally change the way you present yourself to others. It’s like being the star of your own show.
  • Forward-Facing Behaviors: Main character energy leads individuals to highlight certain aspects of their personality to benefit their story and their place in other people’s lives. For example, if someone values being funny, they might ramp up their humor in group settings to play the role of the class clown or increase their likability.
  • Empowering or Disenfranchising: Depending on how someone presents themselves and impacts others, their time in the spotlight can either be empowering or disenfranchising.

Remember, while it’s fascinating to observe these behaviors, it’s essential to recognize that everyone has moments of feeling like the main character. It becomes problematic when it leads to disregarding the needs of others or negatively affecting relationships. So, next time you see someone filming themselves at the grocery store, you might just be witnessing a moment of main character energy! 🌟🎥


Dr. Anet Varghese, 1(https://microsoftstart.msn.com/en-us/health/ask-professionals/in-expert-answers-on-mentalillness/in-mentalillness?questionid=cwa56no2&type=condition&source=bingmainline_conditionqna)
Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials, 2(https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-to-know-about-main-character-syndrome)
Social Psychology, 3(https://www.socialpsychology.info/main-character-syndrome/)
BetterHelp, 4(https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/behavior/fantasy-vs-reality-what-is-main-character-syndrome/)
Psychology Today, 5(https://www.psychologytoday.com/nz/blog/digital-world-real-world/202106/what-is-main-character-syndrome)


